Resultados de la búsqueda Linda Jiménez
Balance del XI Congreso Internacional Sefardí de Zamora, con Jesús Jambrina y Linda Jiménez
4 Av 5783 (21/07/2023) | Raquel CornagoA FONDO – El XI Congreso Internacional Sefardí puso de nuevo a “Zamora en el mapa de Sefarad”. Sobre esta reciente edición hablamos con Jesús Jambrina, alma mater del congreso y con nuestra colaborador Linda Jiménez en calidad … Leer más
“Un saco de canicas” de Christian Duguay, con Linda Jiménez
18 Tevet 5778 (04/01/2018) | Raquel CornagoEL CELULOIDE ELEGIDO – Si, como apunta Linda Jiménez, la película franco-canadiense Un saco de canicas es “muy recomendable”, los amantes de la novela de Joseph Joffo estamos de enhorabuena. La responsable de nuestro English Corner (cinéfila empedernida) comenta … Leer más
El curso “Yiddish in Berlin”, con Linda Jiménez
26 Tishri 5778 (15/10/2017) | Raquel CornagoLA ENTREVISTA – “Para mí es una cosa del alma, el idioma de mis abuelos, el de mi madre…” Ésto y más es lo que significa el idish para la conductora de nuestro English Corner, Linda Jiménez Glassman, … Leer más
Lag Baomer en La Ghriba, con Linda Jiménez
2 Sivan 5777 (26/05/2017) | Raquel CornagoDE ACTUALIDAD – La Ghriba es la más famosa y venerada de las sinagogas de la isla de Djerba, en Túnez. La multitudinaria peregrinación de la que es objeto cada Lag Baomer da cuenta de la especial consideración … Leer más
¡Happy 600 cumpleaños “Rincón en inglés”!, con Linda Jiménez
6 Elul 5776 (08/09/2016) | Raquel CornagoLA ENTREVISTA – Era diciembre de 2004 cuando Solly Wollodarsky Z”L -nuestro primer y querido director- le propuso a Linda Jiménez hacerse cargo del English Corner la apuesta en inglés de Radio Sefarad. El primer programa conducido por … Leer más
Judíos en Nueva York, con Linda Jiménez
14 Tevet 5775 (04/01/2015) | Jorge Rozemblum
ATLAS DEL ÉXODO – Esta sección habla de las ciudades del mundo y su relación con los judíos. En esta entrega, nuestra colaboradora Linda Jiménez (de “English Corner”) habla con Jorge Rozenblum sobre la presencia … Leer más
The New Mexico Jewish Historical Society, with Dr. Linda Goff
20 Tammuz 5782 (19/07/2022) | Raquel CornagoENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: What is the theme for the NMJHS Annual Fall Conference this year?
Dr. Linda Goff is the President of the New Mexico Jewish Historical Society. Last week … Leer más
Jews in New Mexico: A Long and Unique History, with Dr. Linda Goff
14 Tammuz 5782 (12/07/2022) | Raquel CornagoENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: Who was Solomon Jacob Spiegelberg and how did he radically influence Jewish life in New Mexico?
Dr. Linda Goff is the President of the New Mexico Jewish … Leer más
How Jews in Cuba are Coping: An Update, with Linda Hirsch
19 Iyyar 5780 (12/05/2020) | Raquel Cornago
ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: Through which country do many Cuban Jews have to go now if they want to make aliyah to Israel?
Linda Hirsch is a photographer and … Leer más
Linda Hirsch: The Cuban Jewish Community (Thirteen Years Later)
23 Tevet 5775 (13/01/2015) | Jorge Rozemblum
ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: Why does the Jewish population of Cuba fluctuate so much that it makes it difficult to calculate how many Jews there actually are in the … Leer más
The Camel in the Forest, with A. E. Hayoun
18 Heshvan 5785 (19/11/2024) | Raquel CornagoENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: Why did Hayoun name her book “The Camel in the Forest”?
Avigail Hayoun, writing as A. E. Hayoun, is an American expat and passionate Zionist who moved … Leer más
Jewish Space Lasers, with Mike Rothschild
12 Heshvan 5785 (12/11/2024) | Raquel CornagoENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: Why didn’t the Rothschilds gain a financial foothold in the United States?
Mike Rothschild is a journalist and conspiracy theory expert whose work has examined scams, frauds, … Leer más
“The Secret Sabbath”: Crypto-Jews in Mexico and the U.S., with Filmmaker Daniel Goldberg
5 Heshvan 5785 (05/11/2024) | Raquel CornagoENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: What are some of the practices of Jewish origin that the researchers found, and how do they know that they came from a Jewish source?
Daniel … Leer más
A Jewish Story for Halloween
28 Tishri 5785 (29/10/2024) | Raquel CornagoENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: How do you get rid of a dybbuk?
Halloween, of course, is not a Jewish holiday. It traces its origins to the pre-Christian Celtic New Year, … Leer más
Simchat Torah: Some Customs and a Story by Sholem Aleichem
21 Tishri 5785 (22/10/2024) | Raquel CornagoENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – Simchat Torah means “Rejoicing in the Torah.” This holiday, which takes place right after Sukkot, marks the completion of the annual cycle of weekly Torah readings. Each week in synagogue we publicly … Leer más
Sukkot–Some Background and a Story by Sholem Aleichem
14 Tishri 5785 (15/10/2024) | adminENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – Sukkot (Sukkos for Ashkenazi Jews) is a biblical Jewish holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei, between late September and late October. It is one of the three … Leer más
Two Stories for Yom Kippur
7 Tishri 5785 (08/10/2024) | Raquel CornagoENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – Yom Kippur is this week, and in this program we’re offering you two contemporary stories. They were both first published in Jewish Fiction, which is the only English-language journal, either in print or … Leer más
A Rosh Hashanah Story: “The Poor Community”, by Abraham Reisen
29 Elul 5784 (01/10/2024) | Raquel CornagoENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week is Rosh Hashanah, so we are bringing you a special holiday story by one of the most prolific and well-loved Yiddish writers. Unfortunately, not many of Abraham Reisen’s writings have been … Leer más
“Never Again Will I Visit Auschwitz”: A Graphic Family Memoir, with Ari Richter
22 Elul 5784 (24/09/2024) | Raquel CornagoENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: How did Ari’s experience visiting Auschwitz differ from what he had expected?
Ari Richter is a New York-based visual artist and comics creator, born in Tampa, Florida, … Leer más
Jewish Prague Today, with Diego Bransburg
15 Elul 5784 (17/09/2024) | Raquel CornagoENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: Why does the Spanish synagogue in Prague have that name?
Diego Bransburg was born in Argentina and lived in Israel before relocating to Prague 27 years … Leer más
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