Abulafia World Meeting

ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question:  Why did Alejandra Abulafia choose Jaén as the site for the Abulafia World Meeting?

Alejandra Abulafia was born into a Sephardic family in Montevideo, Uruguay, where she studied journalism.  She came to Spain a dozen years ago to search for her roots, and has traveled extensively researching and writing about Jewish Spain.  The name Abulafia is quite unusual, and Alejandra became very interested in its origin and in her own family history. She discovered that, while the Abulafia family originated in Spain, now there are descendents all over the world, and she decided to organize an international meeting of Abulafias so that many of these “cousins” could meet each other and learn about their heritage. Linda Jiménez, Alejandra Abulafia, Abulafia World Meeting

The Abulafia World Meeting will take place in Jaén, Spain, from April 22-26, 2020. For more information, go here.

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