Centro Sefarad-Israel’s 10th Anniversary

ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: What is the Institute of Jewish Culture, and what percentage of Centro Sefarad-Israel’s activities does it organize?

On February 8, 2007 the official opening of the Centro Sefarad-Israel, Sepharad-Israel Center, took place in Madrid. This institution was created through an agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, and the Madrid regional and municipal governments. It is one of a
group of official organizations that were created to reinforce Spain’s relationship with territories and peoples that have had a special historical connection with this country. The others are the Houses of America, Asia, Africa and the Arabic House. English Corner covered the opening of Centro Sefarad-Israel and you can listen to that program here.

2017 marked the tenth anniversary of Centro Sefarad-Israel, and its Director General, Miguel de Lucas, spoke with us about the institution and how it has developed over the last decade.

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