Claudia Tijman: Judaica Jewelry in Spain

ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question:  What is Claudia Tijman’s most popular design?

This week we’re speaking with Claudia Tijman.  She is a multifaceted artist and artisan who in the last two decades has concentrated primarily on jewelry making. She calls her work Sculpture in Jewellery,and her different collections illustrate the many different styles and materials that she utilizes in her work.  Claudia has a singular collection of  Jewish-themed jewelry, which is unique not only in Spain, but has gained international recognition as well.  She regularly participates in crafts fairs in Spain and abroad, and if you are in Madrid you can visit her from May 24 through June 19 at STAND 10 at the fair in the Paseo de Recoletos, every day from 11 am to 9 pm. If you can’t meet Claudia in person, you can see all of her creations on her website.

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