From Russia to Israel–Escaping the War…and BREAKING NEWS

ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – Before beginning our program, we want to bring you some BREAKING NEWS!!!  On May 4 the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain signed an agreement with the Complutense University of Madrid to create the first Special Chair in Spain for the prevention of racism and antisemitism. The project will form part of the College of Education  and Teacher Training of the Complutense University.  The objective of the Simone Veil Special Chair for the prevention of racism, antisemitism and the promotion of interculturality is to promote freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law and respect for human rights, including people belonging to minorities, through research, scientific dissemination and education. The program recognizes the definition of antisemitism that was approved by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) on May 26, 2016.30

And now to our program.

Pascal Roy is a French-language contributor to Radio Sefarad.  At the beginning of April he was at the airport in Kishinev, the capital of Moldova, waiting for a flight to Israel, when he met the Babenko family.  Anna, Alexey and their son Kai are a Russian family, who were among other refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine and about to start a new life in Israel. Pascal interviewed Anna in English at the airport and later in Israel after their trip.  She spoke with him about why they had to leave Russia and the administrative procedures that they had to go through in order to make aliyah.   This week we are bringing you that interview, so that you can hear the experiences of this young family first hand.


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