Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer: Whole Community Inclusion in Philadelphia

ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: What is the specially-designed program that the Whole Community Inclusion department of Jewish Learning Venture carries out every year at the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia? And who is it for?

Jewish Learning Venture is an organization based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, whose mission is to inspire and empower people to make Jewish life, learning, and community relevant and meaningful. Their work is divided into three broad areas: Engaging Families, Empowering Institutions, and Building Community. Within the area of Empowering Institutions, Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer is the Director of Whole Community Inclusion, which offers training, coaching and support to help make Jewish organizations welcoming and inclusive for people with disabilities and their families.

Jewish Learning Venture also has a special area specifically for childrenJkidphilly offers all kinds of services to children and their families, including  PJ Library: a free program that sends children wonderful, age-appropriate Jewish children’s books or CDs in the mail every month.


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