Kibbutz, Moshav, Moshava, with Ami Barr
ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: Who were the Sobotnikim, and what was their role in the settlement of the Land of Israel?
Most people have heard of the kibbutz, a collectively owned and run community which holds a storied place in Israeli culture, and many Jews–and non-Jews–from around the world have volunteered on them. Less is known about the moshav and moshava, which are also agricultural communities, but very different in their philosophy and organization.
Ami Barr is an Israeli historian and archaeologist who made aliyah from the eastern plains of Colombia in 1967. He is a member of Kibbutz Gonen, in the northwest of Israel, and spoke with us about the three types of agricultural communities.
Especial noticias 2/11/2024
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