ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: How many Jews were there in Poland before the Holocaust, and how many are there now?
Our guest this week is Robert Kostro, who is a Polish historian, journalist, columnist and politician. In the 1980s, Mr. Kostro was active in the anti-communist Polish Youth Movement, and after the establishment of democracy he held different government posts, including Director of Foreign Relations in the Prime Minister’s Office and several in the Ministry of Culture. He later taught history at the Lazarski School of Commerce and Law.
Since its founding in 2006 he has been the director of the Polish History Museum in Warsaw.
Mr. Kostro recently gave a talk titled “Jan Karski, Unfinished Mission”, as a complement to the exhibit sponsored by the Polish Institute of Culture and Centro Sefarad-Israel. Jan Karski, Mission for Humanity consists of a series of 22 panels that explain Karski’s struggle to communicate the truth about the Holocaust during World War II. The exhibit has been an international success in such cities as Brussels, Ottawa, Chicago and New York, and can be seen in Madrid at the Centro Sefarad-Israel through June 30.
(In the photo: Dedication of the statue to Jan Karski in Warsaw)
More information about the exhibit
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