Emily Bilski
The House is in the Book: A Collaborative Work of Art
20 Adar II 5782 (22/03/2022) | Raquel CornagoENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: What is a “book artist”?
The House is in the Book is a collaborative work created by three artists who found ways to work during the … Leer más
“La Casa está en el Libro” desde la V Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Jerusalén
6 Tevet 5782 (09/12/2021) | Raquel CornagoEL TRAZO ERRANTE – En el Jerusalem Printmaking Workshop, dentro de la Quinta Bienal de arte contemporáneo de Jerusalén,* tres artistas Mirta Kupferminc (Argentina), Andi Arnovitz (Israel) y Lynne Avadenka (EEUU), con la curaduría de Emily Bilski, presentan, … Leer más
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