The Jews in Cuba 1492-1902, with Jesús Jambrina

ENGLISH CORNER, CON LINDA JIMÉNEZ – This week’s trivia question: When was freedom of religion legalized in Cuba?

Dr. Jesús Jambrina is a Professor of Spanish and Latin American History, Language and Literature at Viterbo University in Wisconsin.  Dr. Jambrina has done extensive research into the Jewish history of Zamora, Spain.   He was responsible for the establishment of the Centro Isaac Campantón there and also for the organization of annual international conferences about Jewish history and presence in that region.

In 2016 he published Los Judíos de Zamora: Una Cronología Anotada, which is an extensive compilation of facts,  references and details about Jewish presence in that region of Spain beginning in the first century C.E. His latest book, Los Judíos en Cuba 1492-1902, chronicles the history of the Jews in Cuba from the arrival of the first crypto-Jews with Columbus through the independence of Cuba at the end of the Spanish-American War.  The book includes dates and events, many with additional details, and also has copious footnotes and an extensive bibliography.

In this program Dr. Jambrina speaks with us about the history of the Jews in Cuba and some interesting little-known facts that he discovered while doing research for this book.



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